

Canada Skilled Federal Program


The federal government of Canada uses a system called Express Entry to facilitate the management of immigrants. The Express Entry can be applied online and is designed to help you calculate your points by filling in relevant information yourself. When you submit your personal information by filling in the information required by the system, your score will be calculated and added to the score pool. Each month, the federal government sends invitations to applicants and goes through the immigration process. It is the simplest and fastest immigration program to get a permanent residency of Canada.

Express Entry is one of Canada’s most popular immigration programs, and it is one of the most sought-after immigration programs for permanent residence. Applicants are classified into one of three programs based on eligibility requirements: Skilled Worker, Canadian Experience, and Skilled Trades.

All programs using Express Entry are selected based on average points, but each program has a different score. In the case of the Skilled Worker Program, where most applicants are eligible, you must have a high language score, high education, 3 years or more of experience, and a job offer to pass the cut line.

At HSM, 35 years of experienced staff will help you get the best score on Express Entry. In addition, we provide job matching and legal services through consulting with immigration experts and immigration lawyers.

Skilled Workers


This is the most popular program for Express Entry. A language score of at least CLB 7 (IELTS 6.0) is required to apply for the program. In addition, at least one year of experience in the occupational groups corresponding to NOC 0, A, B, and higher education are required.


After satisfying the application requirements, scores are calculated for each item. The items that affect the score are age, educational background, job experience, job offer, English or French scores, and other predictions for adoption. In the case of age, the highest score is between 18 and 35, and the score is gradually reduced after that. In the case of academic background, students with master’s degree or higher can receive the highest score. CLB9 (between IELTS 7-8) is required to get the best score in the language. Additional points may be awarded depending on your spouse’s English proficiency, whether you have a relative living in Canada, or your experience studying in Canada. Selection occurs every 2-8 weeks, and about 4000 people are selected at a time.


HSM comprehensively analyzes the likelihood of skilled workers, score calculation, and success, and guaranties continual support and legal advice when applying. In addition, if the likelihood of a Skilled Worker Program is low, we will recommend another program to assist you in your successful immigration.

Canadian Experience


This program is for applicants who have worked in Canada for at least one year in the last three years. For the NOC code 0 or A occupation group, CLB7 or higher is required. And for the NOC code B occupation group, CLB5 or higher is required.


Once you have satisfied your application requirements, you will proceed by providing a profile to the Express Entry system just like a Skilled worker. Likewise, the score is determined by age, language score, job offer, education, etc. Usually, about 3,000 people are selected every 1-4 weeks, and the selection criteria is lower than that of skilled workers, once you satisfy the Canadian work experience. If the applicant’s score is higher than the skilled worker’s cut line, he or she may be selected regardless of the Canadian Experience.


HSM comprehensively analyzes the Canadian experience, score calculation and the possibility of success, and promises to provide legal advice and support to provide employment certification and other documents when issuing documents. In addition, if the possibility of Canadian Experience program is low, we will recommend another program to assist you in your successful immigration.

Skilled Trades


The Skilled Trades program is aimed at applicants with special occupational experience designated by the federal government among occupations classified under the NOC code.


Generally, there are two ways to classify NOC. The first is a method of dividing it into 0, A, B, C, D job groups, and the second is a more specific method of dividing it into 4 numeric codes. For qualification, we use the second classification method, where the first two digits of the NOC code are 72 (industry, electricity, construction trade), 73 (equipment maintenance, management trade), 82 (natural resources, agricultural managers, technicians), 92 (production, processing related Managers), and applicants whose first three digits belong to 632 (chef, cook) and 633 (butcher, baker). To apply for Skilled Trades, you need at least two years of experience in these occupations, a minimum language score (CLB 4-5), and a job offer or a Canadian government-recognized certification.